Land Use and Housing Cohort Training (9/23)

Anti-racism and housing equity

As a part of our actions for 2021, the WAIC Team has been searching for an organizing model to bring to Wilsonville to further anti-racist practices and address equity gaps in housing. We were overjoyed to hear about a Land Use and Housing Coalition that exists in Clackamas County that addresses each of these needs.

This message today is to highlight a kick-off event on September 23 at 6:30 pm that is being hosted by the Leaven Community Land Use and Housing Coalition to learn more about this training. We would love to see a small group of people in Wilsonville help establish a Land Use and Housing Cohort through this program.


Welcome to the 2021-2022 Leaven Community Land & Housing Sacred Organizing Cycle!

We - your Design Teams and companions - are so thrilled to invite you and your growing Core Team to gather for our annual kick-off and orientation on Thursday, September 23rd from 6:30-8:30 pm. See further details below. For the first time, we’ll be gathering as Multnomah East and West, Clackamas, and Washington counties all together in one space for this Cohort kickoff!

Save the Date: September 23rd, 2021 6:30-8:30 pm

We’re currently planning on having hybrid in-person and online gathering options for Core Teams, depending on CDC and Oregon guidance regarding COVID protocols. The location is still being determined and instructions for how we might gather safely will follow soon.

Español/English interpretation will be available!

To join by Zoom, please click this link. Our meeting ID will be [863 3404 0058] and the Passcode is [910512]. To call in by phone, use (408) 638-0968.

How to Join Us

RSVP your intention to bring your growing Core Team to the kickoff by emailing Sara and Anna, Clackamas County co-lead organizers, by Monday, September 19th.

Please let us know:

How many people you intend to bring, and be in touch with us about online vs. in-person (thanks Delta!) 

What is the Land & Housing Coalition? 

Incubated and staffed by the Leaven Community, we are a Coalition of faith communities stepping out of isolation to partner with our neighbors as we engage our spiritual traditions and build collective power by organizing people, money, and land through the arts and practices of sacred organizing.

We build this Coalition together through a Cohort-based process, gathering as congregational and organizational teams in monthly two-hour sessions over nine months from September to June. We learn from one another, strategize, act, and hold one another accountable.

Together We Are

Vital and active communities of faith engaged in our neighborhoods; we are Sikh, Jewish, and Christian, including United Methodist, Presbyterian Church (USA), Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA),  United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church, and independent evangelical congregations.

Transforming structures that create and perpetuate housing inequity in our communities, cities, counties, and state; 

Organizers and developers of our faith-stewarded lands to create diverse affordable housing and new ways to offer sanctuary and home to our communities, centering the lives and vision of those marginalized by gentrification and systemic racism.

Rooted in the work of anti-racism, acknowledging that the land we are stewarding was stolen from our indigenous siblings and that land is power

Build Collective Capacity through Financial Support

We ask each of our congregational Core Teams to build power and capacity beyond ourselves through the financial support of the Coalition. While any amount is welcomed, congregations find that giving between $500-5000 for the year’s Cohort gatherings, sacred organizing teachings, and ongoing accompaniment by staff and companions feels equitable.

Donate via PayPal by clicking this link and selecting "Leaven Community Land and Housing Campaign" as the recipient fund or by making checks payable to Leaven Community (Please write ‘Land & Housing Coalition’ on the memo line. Address: Leaven Community, 5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211 .

Donations made to Leaven Community are deductible as charitable gifts (EIN 46-4368893).