Intelligent Lives movie and discussion

How can we create a Wilsonville that is welcoming and honoring for neurologically diverse people?

Join us on February 25th at 7pm to watch a heartwarming, family-friendly movie and stick around for a moderated discussion.

Click here to register!

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The Wilsonville Alliance for Inclusive Communities (WAIC), in partnership with the West Linn-Wilsonville School District (WLWV), will show the film Intelligent Lives, and hold a panel discussion immediately following the viewing. This is a FREE and online event. Register now to receive your ticket (and the link). This is a heart-warming and inspiring film that older children and adults alike will enjoy.

Cassaundra Edwards (Member of WAIC) and Chelsea King (Vice-Chair of WLWV School Board and WAIC co-founder) are bringing together the school district and the community to lead a conversation about how to create a community that is welcoming and honoring of neurologically diverse individuals. Join them and other representatives of WAIC and WLWV to explore how we can create schools, workplaces, and communities that embody belonging for all.