COVID-19 & Inclusion

As people who envision Wilsonville as a diverse, inclusive, and equitable place, we want to make a statement on COVID-19. 

Inclusion in Wilsonville is all about individuals feeling welcomed, respected, valued and involved. Therefore, we oppose any comments that blame COVID-19 on a specific culture or race. We are united in fighting a disease that affects us all. 

We recognize that COVID-19’s greatest impact will be upon those in Wilsonville’s equity gaps. Those who rely on hourly wage jobs, working parents who have to search for additional childcare, students who rely on food security from schools, and fixed-income seniors who may feel isolated during this time.

WAIC’s response to this equity need is to pursue relationships to increase access to resources and opportunities to achieve a just outcome.

We encourage you to take the following actions: 

  • Promote these resources through your network:

  • Find creative ways to interact with others to meet their needs. This can be as small as a conversation to providing childcare or running to the store to purchase items for people in need. For example, a Wilsonville resident created this google sheet with over 100 activities to do with children.

  • Speak up and lean into conversations when blame is being cast on a specific race or culture group. Casting blame is a harmful and inaccurate fear-based response when uncertainty arises.