Equity Summit: Recap
The West Linn-Wilsonville School District hosted an Equity Summit on Saturday, March 11. This video does a great job highlighting what happened. Five members of WAIC attended and we had an excellent experience. We were able to make connections with teachers and students, which was a key goal for our outreach this year. It was great to connect with West Linn Alliance members to hear about their successes and challenges (many of which were similar to ours).
Our school district’s plans for equity and inclusion can be found at this webpage. It is well worth a read.
Please consider a donation
The Wilsonville Alliance for Inclusive Community (WAIC) is a group of people - all volunteers - who are pursuing a diverse, inclusive, and equitable Wilsonville through informed dialogue, advocacy, and celebration of human dignity. Please consider helping by donating through our website.
Your donation will help us to:
Compensate diverse speakers and facilitators for their time and expertise.
Help us promote community celebration and discussion events (hosted by WAIC and other organizations) by producing engaging and bilingual communication materials.
Support WAIC gatherings by providing the technology and resources for people to enjoy and engage with others to deepen relationships.
Pay to maintain this website.
WAIC is a publicly supported 501C3 charitable organization and receives our non-profit status as a project of the Charitable Partnership Fund.
Take the next step, become a WAIC representative
Through our dialogue-based decision-making process, we have decided that the following people will represent WAIC as representatives of the organization:
Co-Chairs: Garet Prior and (OPEN)
Treasurer: Jay Edwards
Secretary: (OPEN)
Process Inclusion: (OPEN)
We are actively looking for people to take the next step of involvement with the Wilsonville Alliance and fill open roles. If you are interested, please read the position descriptions and email us (connect@wilsonvillealliance.org) with any questions or if you would like to discuss this further!
Please reach out (connect@wilsonvillealliance.org) to us if you have experience with either of these services.