We're Still Here!

WAIC activities since we last spoke

Hi all, sorry for the delay in communications since earlier this year. The WAIC administration team has been hit with a wave of non-WAIC-related circumstances that have taken away from our time to post communications via email or the website. Our apologies and we thank you for your patience.

With that said, people have been working on the WAIC 2022 activities:

  • The City of Wilsonville’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee has been preparing for an awesome Juneteenth event. See the poster below!

  • People are working on planning events for an antisemitism dialogue and 1-1 community conversations.

  • The WAIC Housing Equity Action Team (HEAT) has met a few times and was recently selected to be on a statewide housing supply and affordability workgroup with the Department of Land Conservation and Development.

May gatherings

The WAIC HEAT will meet on the 2nd Friday of the month from Noon to 1 pm. Please email us if you would like to join.

We are working on landing a time and date for a May check-in meeting on 2022 activities (read about them here). If you are interested in any or all of these activities, or if you want to meet others in the community, please join us! We will be sending out information soon. Email us in the interim if you want to connect.

Thank you,

Garet Prior and Aaron Woods, Co-Chairs & Jay Edwards, Treasurer