October Meeting Recap

Recap of the WAIC October Meeting

At our monthly meeting in October, we approved a statement on Black Lives Matter, provided direction to pursue a nonprofit relationship with the Charitable Partnership Fund, received an update on police oversight and accountability, and discussed WAIC's role in partnering with the City of Wilsonville in holding a town hall event and equity task force.

The following are ways that you can help with diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in Wilsonville:

  1. The City of Wilsonville is interested in working with community members who want to support a successful Town Hall event in December on race and equity. Email Zoe Monahan, Assistant to the City Manager, if you are interested in helping out.

  2. We are working on ways to improve communication and are in need of technical help with Google Suite and integration to Mailchimp or other services, such as text messaging. Email Garet Prior if you can help out!

  3. To achieve a diverse, inclusive, and equitable Wilsonville, we need to build a coalition with existing groups and establish a nonprofit board to help guide our work. Email us if you are interested in supporting WAIC’s work as a board member or building a coalition with your organization/network.

  4. Since the 4th Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day, we are going to cancel the regular November meeting. There will be a similar contact in December so we will likely find a time earlier in December to meet.

If you have any questions or want to discuss any of these items further, please email us and we would love to connect.