Recap of the WAIC Retreat
On October 10, 2020, Mary-Elizabeth Harper, Sophia Luettke, Cassaundra Edwards, Chelsea King, Aaron Woods, Jay Edwards, Garet Prior, Kamran Mesbah, Jerry Greenfield, Kate Greenfield, Cat Allard, Andrew Engel, Paul Diller, and Sarah Finke met to discuss the following questions:
What do we do?
How do we want to organize?
Who do we want to represent us?
We started off by grabbing a morning drink, finding a physically distanced, yet socially connected spot and enjoyed an activity of sharing stories based on the year of a coin.
Our first discussion was to reaffirm the vision, mission, purpose, and action statements. As we were about to call a vote, we paused to discuss ways that we may incorporate anti-racist and inclusive organization practices into our work. We decided to use a “fist to 5” method for consensus building. All were in favor with the statements.
We then discussed the process of nonprofit organization and directions of a c3, c4, or financial sponsorship (e.g. Charitable Partnership Trust). The group provided quality feedback and gave a few members direction to make a recommendation at the October regular meeting.
At the intermission break and activity, we played a puzzling game of two truths and a lie. We quickly found out who could tell a good tale!
Our next discussion was to discuss and decide who would represent WAIC as we pursue incorporation as an organization. We discussed the responsibilities for each of the main roles, and the following names were unanimously supported:
Co-Chairs: Aaron Woods and Garet Prior
Treasurer: Jay Edwards
Secretary: Sophia Lukette
Our final activity was for each person to share their feelings about the work we have done so far, and where we want to go next. It was an uplifting time for all and we hope that you will join with us to make Wilsonville an equitable, diverse, and inclusive place!