December Meeting Recap

Recap of the WAIC December Meeting

At our monthly meeting in December, we had an excellent discussion with seven new people! Although we are tired of zoom meetings, it is consistently energizing to meet with new people and learn about different perspectives and experiences in Wilsonville. It was an uplifting ending to 2020!

Call to Action

We are forming teams to work on events in 2021 (list below). If you are interested in joining a team, please email us ( today!


Pastor Cat Allard opened with a land acknowledgment (see WAIC resources) and we received an “Invitation to Brave Space” by Micky ScottBey Jones.

We previewed the following activities for 2021, then broke into groups to discuss (team lead):

  1. Human dignity celebration calendar highlighting diverse holidays, history, stories, and local businesses (Kate)

  2. Intelligent Lives movie and dialogue (Cassaundra and Chelsea)

  3. Police oversight and accountability team (Jay)

  4. Equity and advocacy team (Garet)

  5. Undoing Racism workshop and dialogue (Cat)

We closed with our thoughts on one wish for 2021.  

If you have any questions or want to discuss any of these items further, please email us and we would love to connect.